When I started this blog I promised myself that I would update every day. Yeah right like that was going to happen. But I am not one to give up. I have tried to give up smoking several times so maybe if I think of this blog as a cigarette I won't give it up so freaking easily.Crazy comparison I know. If I sound insane it is only because I am currently working 7 days out of 7 two weeks in a row. Pretty sweet. And because this leaves me with no social life whatsoever I watch football, a lot of football. All my free time. And even more insane I love it. Not as much as having a pint with my favourite peeps in London. But hey what can you do?!
Now almost time for Portugal - Spain. Could be pretty intense. (where does this interest come from??).
Buying this trousers when I get paid. On freaking sale, yeah baby!
You're backkkkkkk! <3 X